Pregnancy Discrimination


Missouri & Kansas Pregnancy Discrimination Attorney

Kansas City Skyline 2If you have been discriminated against based on your pregnancy, you need a lawyer who is willing to stand up for your rights as a pregnant woman and as an employee. Reavey Law LLC has experienced employment law litigators and staff who know what it takes to successfully pursue a pregnancy discrimination claim.

The federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) protects women from discrimination based on their pregnancy. Under the PDA or requirements and prohibitions of Missouri or Kansas state laws, pregnancy is considered a medical condition that entitles a woman to take leave for childbirth and child rearing. Additionally, state laws contain certain prohibitions and requirements applicable to employers when they become aware of an employee’s pregnancy. If you have any questions regarding the provisions of the PDA, contact our law firm for a free initial consultation. We can answer any questions regarding provisions on:

  • Maternity leave
  • Childbirth
  • Employer retaliation
  • Pregnancy based discrimination
  • Maternity leave for adoption

Pregnant women are often unaware of their rights under state and federal law. At Reavey Law LLC, we are familiar with those rights and protections. We are willing to fight to ensure that employers respect those rights. It is important that you are aware of the rights you have. If you have been fired, demoted, passed over for a promotion, or denied a position after an interview, and the adverse action was taken after your employer became aware of your pregnancy, we can help you understand how your rights may have been violated. Additional information on unlawful pregnancy discrimination can be found
on the EEOC website.

Family and Medical Leave Act

State and federal laws do not protect men from adverse action if they take paternity leave to be more involved in the birth of their child. However, the FMLA does provide a measure of protection to fathers who are taking leave to help care for their children.

Contact a Kansas City Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer

If you feel you have been the victim of wrongful termination or other adverse employment action based on your pregnancy, contact Reavey Law LLC to discuss your case with a Pregnancy Discrimination Lawyer. Call, fax, or e-mail our Kansas City law office for a free initial consultation and case evaluation.